As part of the teaching and learning cycle at Lilydale teachers regularly engage in assessment, moderating and reporting with a focus on ‘Knowing my students and where they are at in their learning.’
Moderation is integral part of the assessment and reporting process. Teachers meet weekly in Professional Learning Teams (PLT’s) to align learning sequences with the Australian Curriculum. Part of this process also includes regular summative and formative assessment tasks to determine students’ progress, understanding of contents and concepts. Teachers analyse student responses from check in tasks to adjust the tone and pace of instructions and plan adjustments so all students are successful learners.
Moderation is a quality assurance process that ensures appropriate standards. It is a process for ensuring that marks or grades are awarded appropriately and consistently. Moderation involves checking and reviewing assessment, items and teacher judgments of learning progress. It is essentially a form of feeback for students about their learning and for to teachers to align their marking standards.
Friday, 7 June is a student free day – it is also a day of professional learning for our staff to collaborate with educators from other schools to engage in peer moderation of student work. This year all staff P-10 will be working with colleagues from Port Dalrymple and South George Town primary school examining evidence of learning from students across to engage in robust professional conversation about the teaching and learning. Including what the work sample demonstrates, teaching and pedagogical practices that can be employed to enhance student learning.
Lisa Bailey
Acting Principal