Organisation and Routines


We are a Kindergarten to Year 12 School. Ages are taken from 1st January for that year: children need to be 4 years old to enter Kindergarten, 5 years for Prep and 6 years for Year 1. If you are unsure about your child’s placement, please contact the School Office.
On commencement at any Tasmanian Government school, an enrolment form must be completed and the student’s original birth certificate and proof of immunisation must be presented to verify the child’s name and date of birth. Enrolment cannot be completed without this proof of identification.


A composite levy is charged to cover the core stationery issued to students and materials and equipment used in classroom learning programs. This levy charge also covers compulsory excursions, visiting performances/displays, theatre, cinema visits and Physical Education programs and sport programs associated with the school.

Information regarding levy charges and scheduled days for payment and uniform sales days will be distributed to parents at the end of each year. Levy invoices will be posted out from the Department of Education in January. Invoices can be paid via B-Pay, at Service Tasmania (if using this option levies can be paid prior to levy payment/uniform day to avoid delay) or at school during levy payment/uniform sales day.

Financial Assistance (STAS)

Parents who have limited family income, currently below $35,308 per annum for a family with one child, may apply through the school for assistance with books and materials from the Department of Education under the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS). Further information and application forms may be obtained from the school office.


The wearing of school uniform is endorsed by the Lilydale District School Association Inc and it is expected that all students will be in school uniform at all times. The Kinder uniform consists of polo top, track pants and hat. The school uniform offers a variety of choices which can be ordered via the “Qkr” app or the school office.

Girls’ Uniform Details

Summer dress
White ankle socks
Winter tartan skirt
Navy stockings
Plain navy track/fleecy pants - Kinder to Year 2

Boys’ Uniform Details

Navy shorts
White socks
Plain navy track/fleecy pants - Kinder to Year 2

Unisex Tops

Polo top
Navy polo fleece jumper with school logo
Navy polo fleece jacket with school logo
School spray jacket


Navy bucket hat with school logo (Kinder to Year 6)

Navy cap with school logo (Year 7 to Year 12)


Black school shoes
Sneakers are to be worn for PE and sport only

House Tops

T-shirts in House Colours

Maralinga - red
Corinna - royal blue

House tops can be worn for PE, Carnival Days and House Activities - Years 3-10

The wearing of uniform is essential for all special events which include
excursions, sport team representation and assemblies.
The wearing of uniform not only supports security and ease of supervision
of students it also reflects our identity, sense of community and the good name of the school.




A valuable way of keeping informed about school activities is the School newsletter, this is distributed on a fortnightly basis and is available via the SchoolZine app. You may elect to receive this electronically via email. Community news is included if details are forwarded to the school by 11:00am Friday.

The SchoolZine app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Sun Safe Policy

Please see our Forms And Documents Lilydale District School sunsmart policy. Click here to view the policy


Regular attendance is necessary for children to engage effectively in school, so we ask all parents to ensure children attend on every possible occasion. Please provide an explanation for all absences - notes, text messages, online form or phone calls are all acceptable via:

  • 0426 309 593 (text messages only). Please include student’s name, reason for absence and date
  • online form available via the SchoolZine app. Click here for the online form
  • an answering service is available on the school phone after hours

If a student is away for an extended period of time, regular contact with the class teacher or Sector Leader is recommended. Following any five unexplained absences (not necessarily consecutive) the school is required to start a formal communication process with families.

Late Arrival

Anyone who arrives after class teacher period must report immediately to the school office so that their attendance can be noted and a pass issued for entry into class.

Appointments During the Day

If a student is required to leave school during the day for an appointment, they must be collected up from the office by a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian is required to complete and sign the ‘sign out’ register.

Early Leaving

Parents needing to collect children during the day are asked to advise the school by note or phone call earlier in the day, and must complete and sign the “sign out” register.

1 or 2 days a week doesn't seem much but ...

If your child
misses ...

That equals ... Which is ... and over 13 years
of schooling that
Which means the
best your child
might perform is
1 day per fortnight 20 days per year 4 weeks per year Nearly 1.5 years

Equal to finishing
in Year 11

1 day per week 40 days per year 8 weeks per year Over 2.5 years Equal to finishing
in Year 10
2 days per week 80 days per year 16 weeks per year Over 5 years Equal to finishing
in Year 7
3 days per week 120 days per year 20 weeks per year Over 8 years Equal to finishing
in Year 4

Click here to download the Attendance Flyer


Lilydale District School operates a canteen service for the school. Parent volunteers assist the Manager, Kathleen Blair, to prepare the food ordered by students on the class order form. An up-to-date price list is available on our Facebook page and via the SchoolZine app.

Parent volunteers are always very welcome and must have a Registration for Working with Vulnerable People registration (see page 17).

Children who purchase their lunch must complete an order before school. A canteen list is available from the class teacher, on our Facebook page and SchoolZine. Parents can also purchase lunch for their children via the Qkr! App.

Qkr! App

Canteen lunch orders and uniforms can be purchase via the Qkr! app.


Parents are encouraged to regularly speak to teachers about the progress of their children. Any concerns should be discussed with teachers as quickly as possible. Informal reporting occurs as regularly as parents require. Formal reports will provide ratings for student achievements in their year level in the Australian Curriculum. Evidence of Learning (work samples) will be sent home over the year, including with reports in terms 2 and 4. Parent-teacher conversations will be scheduled at the end of term 2 to enable parents and teachers to discuss student’s learning progress and wellbeing.

Parents receive three formal reports throughout the Year:

  • a progress report at the end of term 1. This is a brief report which is issued in order to give an indication of how students are “settling in”;
  • a mid-year report will be distributed at the end of Term 2; and
  • an end of year report at the end of Term 4.

Parents are required to make an appointment to see their child’s teacher in order to discuss concerns or share information.

Bus Travel

The school and the bus contractors work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all students while travelling on buses. Parents are asked to discuss and reinforce the behaviour expectations set out over the page with their children. The school’s bus safety plan is available from the School Office.

Should you have any queries or concerns regarding bus travel, please contact the bus contractor directly or for further information regarding Department of State Growth (Transport) regulations, click here to go to the State Growth web site.

Bus Routes

Bus No. 1
Pipers Brook

Travels from Pipers River to Pipers Brook and then towards Lebrina
Contractor’s name: Jan Mahnken 6327 2203

Bus No. 2
Tunnel/Lebrina/Doaks Rd

Travels from Lebrina Post Office, through Tunnel Road to school
Contractor’s name: KL Brown 6395 1245

Bus No. 3
Turners Marsh/Karoola/Launceston College

Travels through Lalla, Karoola, Turners Marsh and through to Launceston College
Contractor’s name: Calow's Coaches 0400 570 036

Bus No. 4
Town Bus/Launceston/Ravenswood

Travels to Launceston via Rocherlea, Invermay and through to Ravenswood via Kmart
Contractor’s name: Calow's Coaches 0400 570 036

Bus No. 5
Underwood/Prossers Road

Travels along Underwood Rd, past Hollybank and along Prossers Rd
Contractor’s name: KL Brown 6395 1149

Bus No. 6
The Glen/Second River Road

Travels from The Glen, Second River Rd
Contractor’s name: Martin and Tammy East 6395 4403