We have had a brilliant start to 2024 in Prep.
The Preps have been exploring the numbers 0-10, how to recognise groups of objects without counting them through dot games like memory, and beginning to look at how numbers are made up of other smaller numbers, like how five can be made up of 3 and 2, or 1 and 4. The Preps are doing an amazing job with our literacy program, already beginning to read words like sat, pad, pin, fit and nap.
In Science, we have been exploring the different parts of plants and how we can group leaves, seeds, flowers and seedpods based on their features. In HASS, we are exploring celebrations and why they are important to us, and our family – what a family is, why we have one and how families can come in all shapes and sizes! The Preps have had a fantastic Term 1, and I look forward to sharing our learning as the year continues.